Promotional Resources

‘DG Doing More’ is a locally developed campaign aiming to encourage the population of Dumfries and Galloway to be more physically active.

The campaign promotes local people being physically active in local places.

#MayActive20 Toolkit – May 2023

We have two record sheet designs which you can use to keep track of your daily physical activity, or design your own and share it with us using #MayActive20!

You can also use these graphics to promote #MayActive20 to your friends, family and colleagues.  Everyone feels better when they’re active!

‘DG Doing More’ Promotional Resources for:

  • organisations
  • clubs
  • community groups
  • schools
  • workplaces

who provide opportunities and environments for physical activity.

Please like and follow ‘Active Communities Dumfries & Galloway’ on Facebook and tag @ActiveCommunitiesDG if you post a film or photo of yourself or your service users being physically active or taking part in one of our challenges, and/or use #DGDoingMore #StrongerForLonger

A range of online and physical resources are available free of charge.

‘DG Doing More’ Online Resources:

Physical Resources

  • Selfie Frame
  • Roll Up
  • Banner

To submit a request to loan these resources please click here.

We also have a limited range of branded items which can be given out as prizes or at events, including water bottles, pens, shopping bags and snoods


To add your organisation / club within the ‘DG Doing More’ directory please complete the form at the bottom of the relevant directory page.

Our campaign messages are:

  • Find an activity that you enjoy and that is right for you. Do it for you!
  • Physical activity – some is good, more is better
  • Every step counts
  • Being physically active improves physical, mental and social wellbeing whatever your age
  • Active travel can be a good way to build physical activity into the daily routine
  • Activities that strengthen muscle and bone can help keep us stay steady, whatever your age. Take the Balance challenge

Who does the campaign target?

  • The population of Dumfries and Galloway
  • People who are physically inactive but are motivated and interested in ‘Doing More’ activity
  • People who may be beginning to experience a decline in their strength and balance; predominantly people of 50+

What are we asking people to do?

  • Move a little more in an activity that is right and achievable for you
  • Be active and have fun with family, friends and colleagues
  • Replace a driven journey with an active and sustainable travel journey (walking and cycling)
  • Explore the region’s fantastic outdoor environments which includes forest paths, coastlines and parks
  • Take the Balance Challenge

 More information

  • For further information or to let us know how you’re getting on, please contact us